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Magic Campus Mobile - Dev log



Magic Campus Mobile is based on the original game with the same name in china (Magic Campus). Maybe in the future, I'll change the name.

This is the personal project that I made for fun. I'm not own any resources of the game. All the resources are original, and I get it from the original game website.

Dev log

Let's try the demo of the game from this link


Update: Add Login scene and Character Creation scene

demo demo


Due to

Godot 4.2's HTML5 exports currently cannot run on macOS and iOS due to upstream bugs with SharedArrayBuffer and WebGL 2.0. We recommend using macOS and iOS native export functionality instead, as it will also result in better performance.

And I've already upgrade to Godot 4.3 dev 6. And it works!!

Let's try the demo of the game from this link



I've done the animations of player with Hunter class and wing.

With 2 maps and simple teleport gate.